The ultimate system for converting prospects into customers.

Take prospects from anywhere in the buying process and nurture them – without lifting a finger.

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With the Fireproof Follow Up system you can set up a plan that specifies when to contact prospective customers, and how you want to contact them, and then have the system execute your plan automatically.

The plan works with two
proven principles:

Have adominant message

Most businesses attempt to sell using a message that sounds exactly like their competition. Without a great message, your business is doomed to rely on high-pressure sales and price wars to win business. Create a powerful campaign that strikes at the heart of the reason of why people should buy from you.

Stay in front of customersuntil they buy

Fireproof Follow-Up can help you create new customers and keep you in front of prospects who don’t buy immediately. Don't rely on a high-priced sales staff with no guarantees. With just a few easy steps, you set up an automatic follow-up system and hit your prospects with powerful messages until they decide to buy.

Generate interest in your business or product line from a cold list.

You can't really maximize your marketing, sales, and advertising unless you can effectively generate leads, and have a fail-safe way to stay in front of potential buyers.

Fireproof Follow Up works to create your unique message, and then systematically delivers that message in different ways to GET THROUGH to your prospective clients.

new customers fireproof followup

Nurture prospects that have already shown interest.

Think of all the prospects that are interested, but haven't decided to buy yet. Most businesses rely on salespeople that make a few calls, then quit and move to the next new lead.

Fireproof Follow-Up can send emails, letters, unique packages, postcards – whatever you want – and whenever you want – to enhance the perceived value to your prospects.

nurture prospects fireproof followup

Keep your brand in front of clients.

Some of your best new sales come from previous customers that are loyal to your brand.

Fireproof Follow-Up can help you stay in front by reminding your customers of the services and products that made them come to you in the first place. Ensure that customers are aware of your offerings that set your brand apart from the crowd.

build brand fireproof followup

Whether it’s new customers you want, or to stay in front of prospects and past customers, Fireproof Follow-Up helps you maximize your profits from leads, lower your overall marketing costs AND increase sales.

  • 1.
    Choose the amount of
    touch-points desired.
  • 2.
    Pick the exact target
    dates that prospects
    should receive your
  • 3.
    Choose your Action Type
    from 5 top tier choices.
  • 4.
    See your price change
    based upon your decisions.
  • 5.
    Upload your contacts
    quickly via .csv file.
  • 6.
    Save your campaign.